Leading Now Workshop
On May 3, 2019, the 2018 cohort in the Coastal Science and Policy program and faculty were engaged in a day long leadership training, Leading Now, with Kevin Buck, President of Emergent Success Inc. Kevin and his wife are founders of the Tony Awaida Fund for Environmental Solutions, which specifically supports the Coastal Science and Policy Program. They are committed to sharing their time, talents, and resources in supporting the world’s next leaders in coastal sustainability. A description of the leadership training program can be found below.
Leading Now
Leading is a verb. It is how we practice leadership in the moment, in any given moment. And each moment may require us to do the leading differently. However, the constant in all those different moments is us. So, it would be helpful if we were aware of how we lead ourselves, in leading now. Leading is also a co-creative practice, where we collaboratively invite others to go with us so that we might get to our future – together. Our vulnerability and practice of transformation sets the tone for leading ourselves, others, and our organizations to the aspirational future we desire.
In this day-long training we explored what it means to lead self and others from the now to a desired future. Through the simple rules of being: Reflective, Collaborative, and Transformative we experienced processes and practices that enhanced leadership competencies to facilitate the change you desire for yourself, others and your organization. Participants received a complimentary deck of Liberating Structures cards from Emergent Success.