Ando Rabearisoa

Ando Rabearisoa, a Ph.D. student in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology with a Designated Emphasis in Coastal Science and Policy, has been profiled by the Network of Women in Marine Science. She is a conservationist working on marine ecosystem conservation in Madagascar who specializes in studying the involvement of local communities in the design and implementation of marine conservation efforts through the system of Locally Managed Marine Areas. Ando commits to finding integrated solutions to achieve social development that promotes natural resources management and conservation. She is a passionate practitioner and highly engaged researcher, convinced that an economic system respectful of social and conservation issues is the key solution for sustainable development in developing countries.

Ando says, “Personally, being a female marine conservationist is an uncommon career path in Madagascar and other countries in the Western Indian Ocean Region. I aim to serve as a role model in expanding the role women play in African conservation while sharing my knowledge of conservation ecology and biology with women in local communities. Ultimately, this will enable me to develop equitable, diverse, and inclusive solutions for sustainable development in Madagascar and other countries in the Western Indian Ocean Region.”

Read the article here!