Final Coastal Science & Policy Program Capstone Presentations
2021 Presentations
On June 8th, 2021 the Coastal Science and Policy Program hosted our year-end capstone presentations. Each graduating masters student presented for approximately 20 minutes on their capstone project. To watch each presentation, please click on the icons below.

Maxwell Azali Kodia
Class of 2021
Watch: Coral reef conservation in changing climates and human population

Abel Mkulama
Class of 2021
Watch: Designing a Circular Economy Cooking Technology Startup in Lilongwe, Malawi: Preventing Deforestation and Household Air Pollution and Mitigating Climate Change

Tom Collinson
Class of 2021
Watch: The Sea Cucumber Project Liberia: Building Thriving Fisheries With Coastal Communities or Libera’s Sea Cucumbers In A Pickle: Managing A New Fishery To Protect Ecosystems And Livelihoods

Ando Rabearisoa
Class of 2021 (now pursuing a PhD Designated Emphasis in Coastal Science & Policy)
Watch: Under What Conditions Can Locally Managed Marine Areas (LMMA) Reduce Poverty in Madagascar?

Patrick Cage
Class of 2021
Watch: Climate Democracy 2020: Quantifying and Amplifying Down-ballot Climate Campaigning in the 2020 Elections

Juan Carlos Jeri Vidal
Improving Human Welfare in the Peruvian Mahi Mahi Fishery

Siti Indriasari Galuh Sekar Arum
Class of 2021
Watch: Building the Pathway to Scale Marine Conservation Projects (A Case Study of USAID SEA Project in West Papua Province, Indonesia)

Rafid Shidqi
Class of 2021
Watch: Between Shark and Livelihoods: Informing Policies for Thresher Shark Conservation in Alor, Indonesia
2020 Presentations
On June 8th and 9th, 2020 the Coastal Science and Policy Program hosted our year-end capstone presentations. Each graduating masters student presented for approximately 15 minutes on their capstone project. To watch each presentation, please click on the icons below.

Ross Davison
Class of 2020
Watch: Modernizing Our Methods:Feasibility testing of new analytic tools to fill information gaps and reduce monitoring costs

Celeshia Guy
Class of 2020
Watch: Saving the Endangered Antillean Manatees: Analysis of manatee strandings and risk from watercraft collision in Belize

Andre Joseph-Witzig
Class of 2020
Watch: Advancing Coastal Zone Management in Grenada: using ecosystem services and new technologies to inform climate-resilient coastal management in Grenada