Current Coastal Science & Policy students (M.S. and Ph.D. DE) may need the following forms during their time at UC Santa Cruz.
CSP Forms & Resources
- CSP Independent Study Form (this is a docusign form) – to complete the form you will need your student id #, faculty advisor name and email, description of the proposed course and description of work to be submitted for the course.
- CSP Designated Emphasis Application (this is a docusign form) – To apply to the Designated Emphasis (DE), students must be a UCSC PhD student admitted to one of the UCSC PhD degree granting Departments. For information about the DE requirements, please read here and to review the application form see sample here. Please be prepared to upload a square headshot and bio with your application (example bios and headshots can be found here).
- CSP DE Exit Questionnaire (this is a docusign form) – DE students complete this form prior to graduation. Form collects information about your dissertation and next role following graduation (please be prepared to share/upload title, author(s) and their affiliations, and the abstract of the DE dissertation chapter).
- Application for In-Absentia Status
- CSP Methods Course List
- CSP Student Handbook (restricted to CSP Faculty, MS and DE students)
- Capstone Partner Mentor Expectations
- Faculty Advisor Expectations UCSC Coastal Science & Policy Program
- CSP Instructional Continuity & Contingency Plan
- CSP Student Conference Toolkit
Campus Forms & Resources
- UC Santa Cruz Application for Masters Degree (complete in April of the year you graduate)
- UC Santa Cruz Graduate Commencement Website
- Additional Forms May be Found on the Graduate Division’s Website
- Guide to Technology at UCSC for Students This guide covers essential topics such as accessing email, connecting to Wi-Fi, using online learning platforms, understanding security protocols, and getting IT support.