Ph.D. Designated Emphasis in Coastal Science and Policy

This option is open to current PhD students enrolled at UCSC. To receive a designated emphasis in coastal science and policy, graduate students must complete the following requirements in addition to the degree requirements for the doctorate in their home department. You may join the CSP program on a rolling basis in any academic quarter.  Please email for questions – we are happy to chat!

Join an interdisciplinary cohort of graduate students–read about current students earning a PhD designated emphasis in Coastal Science and Policy here.

Committee Composition and Departmental Approvals:

Students must have a designated emphasis advisor from the CSP core or affiliated faculty. The designated emphasis advisor commits to serving on the Ph.D. qualifying exam committee (typically as the outside member), and the dissertation reading committee.The DE advisor will work with the student to develop a coherent plan for meeting the requirements for the designated emphasis, preferably before the end of the student’s first year. This plan must be approved by the CSP program director.

In addition, the student must file the Application for Designated Emphasis in CSP with the CSP Assistant Director.

Course Requirements:

Students are required to complete at least three CSP courses including two required courses (CSP 244 and CSP 245 [BIO 262]). Courses taken to fulfill program requirements within the home department will not count toward the designated emphasis program’s required coursework.

Writing, Research and/or Teaching Requirements:

As part of the CSP DE, students must work closely with a non-academic practitioner (from a government, private industry, or non-profit entity) on one interdisciplinary dissertation chapter in order to gain direct training in linking their research to a practical, scalable solution on a coastal sustainability issue.

Students should involve the partner in the conceptual design and execution of the project.

The CSP program, via core courses, workshops, and mentoring by CSP faculty, provides substantial guidance on how to collaborate with partners in a manner that fits well with the dissertation research process. This requirement ensures that the student’s work will bring their knowledge to action that addresses real-world challenges and implements new cutting-edge solutions.

Other CSP DE Training:

Students in the CSP DE also participate in workshops and seminars offered to the entire CSP program.

Pidgeon Point Lighthouse, Pescadero California