Sustainability Coastal Climate Resilience Course

New Professional Development Course in Coastal Climate Resilience from UC Santa Cruz

Gain expertise from top sustainability and resilience professionals in the new professional development course in Coastal Climate Resilience — an 8-week virtual course, plus a 2.5 day  in-person workshop. Registration is now open for the fall cohort beginning September 6, 2024. The course is a collaboration between the Center for Coastal Climate Resilience and the Coastal Science and Policy Program at UC Santa Cruz.

Limited fellowships are available and we are particularly interested in supporting tribal members and practitioners and liaisons from underserved communities.

Join a virtual info session on August 12; RSVP here!

This course is designed for those actively working in the field of coastal climate resilience with an aim to have participants apply learnings in real time. Our multisector network of instructors share a dedication to implementing practical solutions to coastal resilience projects. Through cohort-based instruction and activities grounded in science, this course will help practitioners build a framework of opportunities, innovations, and practical solutions in coastal climate resilience. See course syllabus here. At the conclusion of the course, practitioners will be able to:

  • Identify a range of practical solutions for adapting to climate risks, including nature-based solutions.
  • Know how to access resources for planning, evaluating, funding, and implementing a project.
  • Understand the landscape of models and tools available for coastal risk assessments and adaptation planning.
  • Engage interested parties in resilience and adaptation projects in an equitable way.
  • Build an interdisciplinary network to collaborate on local and regional resilience projects.

Professionals in the Coastal Climate Resilience course will learn to navigate coastal adaptation and sustainability projects from policies to practice for a resilient future.

Register here by August 23FAQ’s on speakers, costs, and available fellowships here.

As the climate risk continues to increase for coastal communities, now is the time to grow and engage climate resilience leaders. Questions? Email